Haban-Güero Piña: New Hot Sauce Release

Haben-Guero Pina San Diego Craft Fermented Hot Sauce


Haban-Güero is going on a tropical vacation! Allow it to introduce itself, Haban-Güero Piña  - our same great sauce with a pineapple twist. You will get the pineapple notes right up front and then it melds into the spicy flavor bomb that is Haban-Güero (combining habanero peppers with yellow Güero peppers to create a versatile sauce).

In the very beginning of DTF, I tested a lot of recipes out. One of the originals I tested was a pineapple hot sauce. This hot sauce eventually morphed into our best-selling Haban-Güero, and I threw the pineapple component out all together. After many requests, we are bringing back the original recipe and hope you enjoy it (even on pizza)!

Heat level: 6/10

Pairings: Fish Tacos, Seafood, Wings, Pizza (if you're one of those)


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